An Advocate for Southern Illinois Statehood

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Land Called Egypt
(for more on "Egypt" click on the above link)

Southern Illinois joined the union in 1818. I say Southern Illinois joined the union, for at that time there was no northern Illinois. As the state developed the population and industrial and commercial activities moved steadily north, until today only 3 ½ percent of the population of the state lives in the 21 Southernmost Illinois counties. For 190 years the region has lagged behind the rest of the state.

Southern Illinois must change. Whether we call it The Southern Illinois enlightenment, or reformation, or renaissance, or great awakening, we must change. We must make quantum leaps forward. We demand to little of ourselves—we think to small and settle for to little. We must take to heart the words of Alexander Hamilton, “Wise political leaders march at the head of affairs. They do not wait for events—but know what actions to take. The actions they take will produce the events."

There is in each of us a spiritual power over which circumstance has no control. Our material, financial, and social progress as a region will not happen until we awaken that spiritual potential lying fallow and unexpressed within and rouse ourselves to purposeful and united action. It is said that, "God does not change the condition of a people until they first change what is in their hearts."

We must think of ourselves as Southern Illinoisans first, and then as citizens of our communities. I am convinced that until we adopt that mind-set we will never achieve the unity and prosperity we desire for ourselves, our children, and our grand children.

The answers to the problems that face Southern Illinois are not to be found in Springfield or in Washington. The answers are to be found in the hearts and minds of the citizens of Southern Illinois. Within every community reside the ideas, interests, and unique talents necessary for its own advancement. The ability of the community to seize the initiative and accept responsibility for its actions is the most dynamic and certain means of development.


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